blow throw a kiss 飞吻 (这是某些明星非常喜欢做的事情)He blew a kiss at the pretty girl.他对那个漂亮女孩做了一个飞吻动作snatch a ki。各式各样的 接吻 用英语怎么说?更多详情请大家跟着小编一起来看看吧!

各式各样的 接吻 用英语怎么说(1)

各式各样的 接吻 用英语怎么说(1)

blow throw a kiss 飞吻 (这是某些明星非常喜欢做的事情)

He blew a kiss at the pretty girl.他对那个漂亮女孩做了一个飞吻动作。

snatch a kiss 接吻,冷不防接个吻

Ha fair maiden, I\'ve come to snatch a kiss and fill your soul with hope.嗨,美女,我来是为了吻你,让你的灵魂充满希望。

steal a kiss 偷吻,冷不防接个吻

You have to be bold to steal a kiss.想要偷吻你就得大胆点。

French kiss 法式接吻

(kiss with your mouth open and your tongues touching)

Platonic kiss 柏拉图之吻

(short kiss on the cheek for greeting)

kiss of peace (宗教的)接吻礼,表示欢迎

The kiss of peace was freely given between all members of the church.教众可以自由行接吻礼。

give a kiss 接个吻

He gave her a kiss.他吻了她一下。