所有的孩子都要长大,只有一个例外——他就是英国的詹母斯·巴里笔下的小男孩彼得潘All the children have grown up, there is only one exception 。电影《小飞侠彼得潘》观后感?更多详情请大家跟着小编一起来看看吧!




All the children have grown up, there is only one exception - he was Britain\'s James barye described the little boy Peter Pan.


A boy who would never grow, there is no love, would have no trouble flying in the night sky, followed her strange little wizard, flying figures and a freedom of laughter, the achievements of the man\'s dream, has become all the girls nightmare.


Every child wants to fly, but also with their own fantasies in \"Neverland.\" Peter Pan has a great deal of courage, I saw the film described in the imagination of Peter Pan their hearts.