这里是一些英文单词发音的口诀:1. 发音准,莫太快:Pronounce slowly, don&39;t make mistakes.2. 注意元音,清浊分:Vowels should be cle。英文单词发音口诀?更多详情请大家跟着小编一起来看看吧!




1. 发音准,莫太快:Pronounce slowly, don't make mistakes.

2. 注意元音,清浊分:Vowels should be clear, consonants should be distinct.

3. 学重音,有节奏:Learn the stress, have a rhythm.

4. 读词组,不单看:Read in phrases, not just words.

5. 多听说,模仿练:Listen and speak, practice to hone.

6. 口型对,不含糊:Be precise in articulation, no slurring.

7. 字母组合,记清楚:Remember letter combinations, words will flow.

8. 多读书,发音好:Read a lot, pronunciation will grow.