Telling the truth is always better than lying.说真话永远比说谎要好——《哈利波特》What matters is not what we were bo。哈利波特经典语句?更多详情请大家跟着小编一起来看看吧!



Telling the truth is always better than lying.说真话永远比说谎要好。——《哈利波特》

What matters is not what we were born, but what we will become in the future.重要的不是我们生下来怎样,而是我们将来会变成怎样。——《哈利波特》

Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end 。 If not always in the way we expect…失去的东西总会回到我们身边,虽然有时并不是以我们希望的方式。




never trust anything that can think for itself if you can\'t see where it keeps its brain。



lord voldemort\'s gift for spreading discord and enmity is very great。 we can fight it only by showing an equally strong bond of friendship and trust。 differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open。



if you want to kill harry, you\'ll have to kill us too!



what was there to be gained by fighting the most evil wizard who has ever existed? only innocent lives! died rather than betray your friends!