One Saturday morning, Amy, Mike and Jim went fishing. They took all the fishing things they needed a。三年级下册英语第一课课文?更多详情请大家跟着小编一起来看看吧!



One Saturday morning, Amy, Mike and Jim went fishing. They took all the fishing things they needed and went to a river.

At the river, they found a nice spot under a tree. They brought out their fishing rods and their bait. For bait, they had worms and small pieces of meat.

They put the baits on the hooks and waited for the fish to bite. At first, nothing happened but suddenly Jim felt a pull on his fishing rod. He had a bite. He quickly pulled his rod and the fish was in his hands. It was a big one .

Mike had a bite soon but it was too late. It was already gone. Then, Amy had a bite too. She pulled her rod quickly and she caught a big one too.

At last, they all got a nice big fish. They were very happy.




三年级英语下册主要内容Lesson 1 I’m Hungry.一、Words:1.home家 2.sick有病的 3.hungry饿的 4.we我们 5.have 有6.sandwich三明治 dog热狗 8.great极好的 9ke喜欢 10.milk牛奶11.thirsty口渴的 12.thanks多谢 13.want想要 14.some一些 15.water 水 16.more 更多的 17.full 饱的 18.let’s 让我们 19.clean清洁 比萨饼 21.banana香蕉 22.bread面包 23.apple苹果 24.orange橘子 25.juice果汁 26.table桌子 27. here 这儿 28. I’m我是 29. too 也 30.please请 31.and 和二、Sentences:1.Hi, Mom. I’m home. 你好,妈妈。我回来了。 2.I’m hungry.我饿了。3.I’m thirsty.我口渴了。 4.I’m thirsty, too.我也口渴了。5.I’m full.我吃饱了。6.Hi, Jack. Are you sick? 你好,杰克。你生病了吗?7.Yes, I am . 是的,我生病了。 No, I’m not. 不,我没有生病。8.We have sandwiches and hot dogs. 我们有三明治和热狗。9.That’s great! 太棒了! 10.I like sandwiches.我喜欢三明治。11.Mom, milk. I’m thirsty. 妈妈,给我点牛奶。我口渴了。12.All right. Here you are. 好的。 给你。

13.Thanks, Mom. 谢谢,妈妈。 14.I want some water. 我想喝些水。15.Have some more. 再吃些。 16.No, thanks. 不,谢谢。17, too. 我也喜欢。 18.Now, let’s clean up. 现在让我们来收拾一下。19.We have some milk. 我们有一些牛奶。 20. I like milk. 我喜欢牛奶。



Lesson 1 I’m Hungry.


1.home家 2.sick有病的 3.hungry饿的 4.we我们 5.have 有

6.sandwich三明治 dog热狗 8.great极好的 9ke喜欢 10.milk牛奶

11.thirsty口渴的 12.thanks多谢 13.want想要 14.some一些 15.water 水 16.more 更多的 17.full 饱的 18.let’s 让我们 19.clean清洁 比萨饼 21.banana香蕉 22.bread面包 23.apple苹果 24.orange橘子 25.juice果汁 26.table桌子 27. here 这儿 28. I’m我是 29. too 也 30.please请 31.and 和


1.Hi, Mom. I’m home. 你好,妈妈。我回来了。 2.I’m hungry.我饿了。

第 1 页

3.I’m thirsty.我口渴了。 4.I’m thirsty, too.我也口渴了。

5.I’m full.我吃饱了。

6.Hi, Jack. Are you sick? 你好,杰克。你生病了吗?

7.Yes, I am . 是的,我生病了。 No, I’m not. 不,我没有生病。

8.We have sandwiches and hot dogs. 我们有三明治和热狗。

9.That’s great! 太棒了! 10.I like sandwiches.我喜欢三明治。

11.Mom, milk. I’m thirsty. 妈妈,给我点牛奶。我口渴了。

12.All right. Here you are. 好的。 给你。

13.Thanks, Mom. 谢谢,妈妈。 14.I want some water. 我想喝些水。