没有“teethache”这个单词tooth 牙齿 (复数:teeth)toothache 牙痛gum 牙龈molar 臼齿;磨牙front toothincisor 门牙cavity 牙齿蛀洞den。有teethache这个单词吗?更多详情请大家跟着小编一起来看看吧!




tooth 牙齿 (复数:teeth)

toothache 牙痛

gum 牙龈

molar 臼齿;磨牙

front toothincisor 门牙

cavity 牙齿蛀洞

dental caries 龋齿

dentist 牙医


My tooth hurts!我牙痛!

My tooth hurt so much that I couldn’t sleep!我牙痛得睡不着觉!

I have a serious cavity.我有严重的蛀牙。

The tooth that has a cavity hurts.那颗蛀牙很痛。

One of my front teeth is loose.我的一颗门牙松了。

My gums are swollen.我的牙龈肿了。

Sometimes my gums bleed.有时我的牙龈会流血。

牙痛就要看医生,牙医是专科医生,英文用dentist。看牙医就是“see a dentist”:

You’d better go see a dentist.你最好去看牙医。

I have an appointment with the dentist.我跟牙医有个约会。

I had a severe toothache so I went to see a dentist.我牙痛得厉害,就去看了牙医。

I feel much better after seeing a dentist.看完牙医我感觉好多了。