&34;time&34;是一个英语单词,它有多种用法和知识点以下是一些常见的用法:- 表示时间:例如,“What time is it?”(现在几点了?)- 表示次数:例如,“I&39;ve 。time的用法和知识点?更多详情请大家跟着小编一起来看看吧!




- 表示时间:例如,“What time is it?”(现在几点了?)

- 表示次数:例如,“I've been to Paris three times.”(我去过巴黎三次。)

- 表示频率:例如,“He works in a factory every day for eight hours.”(他每天在工厂工作八小时。)

- 表示持续时间:例如,“It took me three hours to finish the book.”(我花了三个小时读完这本书。)

- 表示顺序:例如,“We need to finish these tasks in order of priority.”(我们需要按照优先级完成这些任务。)



1 time 作名词

1.1 时候、时刻;时机、机会;次、回;倍

1.2 时间;光阴;一段时间(与不定冠词连用);

1.3 终点(与定冠词连用);节拍、拍子

eg: 1)It’s time for supper.

2)The tiger bided his time to catch a sheep, finally, he failed.

3)The girl has ever been to Naples three times.

4)This microscope magnifies the object 500 times.

5)What time do you usually leave home?

6)Our party leads us into new times.

7)Time flies.

8)They spent a long time dealing with the accident.

9)The time that she beat appeared so wonderful.

2 名词time构成的易混淆短语区别

2.1 in time 及时;终究、尽早、终有一天、最后

on time 准时,按时

eg: 1)Although the tortoise ran slowly, he arrived at his destination in time.

2)The little dog is so smart that it will be loved by its owner in time.

3)Finally, he caught up with the early train on time.

2.2 at a time 一次;在……的时候

at one time 曾经、一度;过去某个时期

eg: 1)At a time of the last spring, Dr. Bethium operated on him.

2)Don’t try to do everything at once, take it a bit at a time.

3)At one time, she taught herself English.

4)At one time most drivers were men, but today it changed.

3. take one’s time 慢慢来

take time 抽出时间,花费时间,做出努力

eg: 1)No hurry, please take your time.

2)She’ll take time to nurse her baby.

2.4 at no time 决不,在任何时候都不

in no time 立即,马上

eg: 1)At no time will China be the first to use nuclear weapons.

2)They can’t have receievd the letter, otherwise, they would call us in no time.

2.5 sometime (过去或将来)某个时候

some time 一段时间

sometimes 有时候

some times 几次

eg: 1)The butcher will buy a new axe sometime.

2)His girlfriend is going to stay at the court for some time.

3)Sometimes, she wears a miniskirt in the class.

4)At the supermarket, I met him some times.

3 名词“time”在中小学教材中的句型

3.1 It’s time for sth. 是该干……的时候了,此时名词sth. 表动词含义。

eg: It’s time for supper.

3.2 It’s time for doing sth. 是该干……的时候了。

eg: It’s time for having a meeting.

3.3 It’s time (for sb.) to do sth. 是(某人)该干……的时候了。

eg: 1)It’s time for us to drink.

2)It’s time to have a rest.

3.4 It’s high time+that 从句(that常省略,从句是定语从句,其从句的谓语动词常是过去式或“should+动词原形”。)是某人早该干……的时候了。

eg: 1)It’s high time you bought a new computer.

2)It’s high time that we should have a chat.

3.5 It’s the +序数词+time(或其他名词)+that从句(that常可省略,从句为定语从句。)是某人第几次干……。

eg: 1)It’s the first time (that) I have been late for school this week.

2)It was the third trousers (that) she had worn out.

4 time作及物动词

4.1 安排……的时间,选择……的时间。

4.2 测定时间,记录下时间

eg: 1)Could you give me some time to time my schooling?

2)We timed our journey it took two hours.





He didn't have too much time.


I need some time. (√)

I need some times. (×)




four times 四次、四倍

He runs in the park three times a week.


My bottle is three times the size of yours.






on time准时

in time及时

all the time一直

at the same time 同时

at times有时

have a good time玩得开心