青岛的地铁英文报站太啰嗦,你学学上海,上海地铁里程毕竟世界第一,老外人数也是最多的,简捷明了,基本上人人都能听懂We are arriving at …station. Doors opened o。青岛地铁报站时的英语都是什么呀?更多详情请大家跟着小编一起来看看吧!



青岛的地铁英文报站太啰嗦,你学学上海,上海地铁里程毕竟世界第一,老外人数也是最多的,简捷明了,基本上人人都能听懂。We are arriving at …station. Doors opened on the left. Please take allyour belongings and get off the train. Please mind the gap and hieightdifference.上海地铁:下一站是世界大道,请在左边门下车。(旧版)Next Station Century Avenue:Please get ready to the exit from the left side上海地铁:下一站是世纪大道,请在左边门下车,你可以换乘地铁4号线,,,(新版)Next Station xxxx,Doors will open on the left. You can transfer to Line 4.\"请为需要帮助的乘客让个座,下车的乘客请提前做好准备,从左边车门下车”。